and they were roommates

a zine drawing of blue and orange stars. drawing of pink and purple hearts

the editors

Austin and Helia with connected balloons in their mouths. photo taken by Einar Balan.

editor / Austin Nguyen

Austin is dumb, cringe, deranged, and probably thinks you’re cute. He can’t stop telling people about Crash (the Cronenberg film) and has the second-best music taste in the world.

editor / Helia Woo

Helia changes interests and life goals every two weeks and feels like she is being left behind. She drew the doodles in this zine on a trackpad in a version of Photoshop she pirated from Tumblr. Helia has the greatest music taste in the world.

some thanks

to all of our artists, to Einar Balan for helping with the website and taking the photo above, and Neelanjana Banerjee from Kaya Press for the opportunity to publish this zine.

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