and they were roommates

a zine drawing of blue and orange stars. drawing of pink and purple hearts

i’m shy

mirror selfie of priya and their roommate kelly in their dorm

shit i do that kelly definitely hates:

when i don’t wake up after my fifth alarm

creating double standards

selfie of priya and kelly on top of a pool table
priya on the floor with a skull and bones

closing her door now that she’s in a different room

the no food in the bedroom rule

being anal about cleanliness to the extent that my germaphobia required a semi-intervention

opening the bathroom window

kelly kicking at the snow in a blur
a selfie of priya and kelly in the piano room

also me constantly asking her to open the windows because they’re above her bed

my extreme covid paranoia

things kelly does that i dislike:

a selfie of priya and kelly dressed up for a college party
a polaroid photo of kelly and priya playing cards against humanity

orange peels on the edge of her bed

not cleaning or taking out the trash

when she keeps her door slightly open (idk why this peeves me so much but it does??)

closing the bathroom window

priya and kelly decked out in yale scarves and hats on the grass

artist / priya v.

junior at yale, post-ironic @uclafits consumer, thot son, tattoo count: 4.5, @yale.fits admin
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