and they were roommates

a zine drawing of blue and orange stars. drawing of pink and purple hearts

The Things in Our Art-Filled 2-Person Apartment

title: The things in our art-filled 2-person apartment. Drawings and their following labels include: basil and herbs in the kitchen. bobby socks on hardwood floors. your shirt on my bed. the pesto jar full of old cigarette butts. the bowl we aim cherry pits into. the alcohol we bought to drink together. the cat that acts as our liaison. the sponge you use to wash the pot I left. your shirt folded on your bed. the book you read as you wait for me to come home. ALL THE THINGS WE SWEAR WE'LL PUT ON OUR WALLS: Robert Pattinson poster. a map of all our friends' apartments. poems we write about how much we love each other.

artist / Maya Raman

Maya is a computer science major who doesn’t know how to go from the Westwood Target to Ralph’s and is afraid of genuine emotional vulnerability. They like to hike in their Tevas, tattoo themselves, and submit art to their friends’ zines :D
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